Audiometric Booth
The Ultimate Acoustic Solution for Noise Control
At SIAC, our booths are built using a modular system, and, have a wide range of attractive finishes for you to choose from, together with our proprietary acoustic metal doors. This allows for the booth to be demountable should relocation of booth occur.
Key Features of Our Audiometric Booth

Audiometric Booth
Versatile Applications for Audiometric Booth
SIAC Audiometric Booth are suited for:
- Soundproof Partitions
- Machinery Enclosures
- Factory Offices
- Test Environments
- Control Rooms
- Recording Studios
- Sound Barriers
- Quiet Rooms
Product Brochures
Choose a product brochure below to learn more about our Acoustic Metal and Timber Doors.
Audiometric Booth BrochureTailored to Your Needs
Our Audiometric Booth can be customized to meet specific client requirements, including Double Wall, a wide range of attractive finishes and more. It is also demountable, making it convenient for relocation.
Certified for Quality and Safety
We can provide a custom design based on your requirements while also complying with your technical specifications